Should PEO Expand Or Shrink?

“Should PEO Shrink Or Grow” was a presentation made to PEO Council March 20, 2020. The question being asked was whether not recognising the emerging disciplines would limit educated engineers from applying for their P.Eng. Without recognizing the new disciplines, PEO membership would shrink. Alternatively, if PEO was to fully licence the emerging disciplines, there is significant opportunity to expand.
Shrink Or Grow Mar 20, 2020  Presentation

These are the presentation notes from the March 20th,2020 Presentation made to PEO Council.
Extended Notes For Mar 20, 2020 Presentation

PEO Council delayed any decision on Mar 20,2020 referring the motions presented to the Executive Committee which has not met at all for several years. Delay is denial. Hence, E4Pinc was created in Mar of 2021 to take on the task of properly licensing all emerging Applied Science and Engineering Practices.