Engineering In Other Countries

Finniston Report – 1980 (Wikipedia) 
The Finniston Report (also known as The Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Engineering Profession or by its title Engineering Our Future) was a report into the engineering profession in the United Kingdom, commissioned in 1979 by the Labour government. Led by Monty Finniston it investigated how well the professional institutions were serving their members and whether it was desirable to introduce statutory regulation of the industry. It recommended abolition of the Council of Engineering Institutions (CEI), the establishment of a statutory Engineering Authority to regulate the profession, and the introduction of engineer’s degrees. After its publication in 1980 the then-Conservative government decided against statutory regulation but replaced the CEI with the Engineering Council (EC). The EC would later restrict admission to the status of chartered engineer to those with engineer’s degrees. The EC’s 2000 Hamilton Report stated that the Finniston Report had been unfairly labeled as dirigiste and that it had actually recommended little direct legislative control over the profession.

Finniston Report – 1980 (Wikipedia)

The Hamilton Review Of The Engineering Profession
This report presents the outcome of a desk study, which compares the operation of the Engineering Profession in the United Kingdom with that in other ‘similar’ countries. Being a desk study it is based largely on existing information reinforced by more detailed investigations undertaken on my behalf by British Embassies and High Commissions.

The Hamilton Review of the Engineering Profession