A History and Concepts of Umbrella Legislation
Concepts and History Of Umbrella Legislation
The Connie Muckleson Report
This paper traces discussion of regulation of diverse technical and science practitioners under the aegis of PEO, from when the subject was initially raised in the 1950s to present discussions on “umbrella legislation” and a possible “registered professional technologist” designation. During the past almost 40 years, PEO has adopted, considered, and abandoned several regulatory models for regulating allied occupations, which are explained. The provisions of the Regulated Health Professions Act are detailed to explain the current interpretation of the meaning of “umbrella legislation”. The provisions of the Alberta Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists’ Registered Professional Technologist program are explained. For simplicity, the association is referred to throughout as “PEO”, except where the pre-1993 acronym of “APEO” is directly quoted.
The Connie Muckleston Report – Concepts And History
The Ontario College Of Applied Science And Engineering
The Problem:
How do we effectively regulate and govern a skilled occupation whose scopes of practice is constantly expand at an ever-accelerating pace of change?
This discussion paper seeks to address this problem statement. We postulate the following principles as the basis for our understanding of what is happening to the Engineering Profession and indeed to our society.
In 2022, Ontario repealed the Ontario College and Trade and created the Skills Ontario Act with the stated mission “to champion and stimulate the development of world-class technological and employability skills in Ontario youth.”
Bill 288, Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021 – Legislative Assembly of Ontario (ola.org)
Ontario Health Disciplines Act
The Regulated Health Discipline Act is an example where the Ontario Provincial Government has implemented umbrella legislation in other professions. An overview of the Regulated health Disciple Act:
Regulated Health Professions – Health Workforce Planning Branch – Health Care Professionals – MOHLTC (gov.on.ca)
The Regulated Health Act:
Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, S.O. 1991, c. 18 (ontario.ca)
Other Provinces
Other provinces have also used umbrella legislation to incorporate a number of practice areas under one act.
British Columbia Professional Governance Act
The Office of the superintendent of professional governance established the superintendent for the following regulatory bodies:
- The British Columbia Institute of Agrologists
- The Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of British Columbia
- The College of Applied Biology
- The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of British Columbia
- The Association of British Columbia Forest professionals
Overview of the act:
Professional Governance Act Of BC
The Engineers and Geoscientists of BC (EGBC) Act operates under the Professional Governance Act.
Engineers and Geoscientists Regulation (gov.bc.ca)
File Number # 5.9 (A PDf of the BC Professional Governance Act) to be added
Alberta’s Proposed Professional Governance Act
Alberta has proposed legislation to bring a number of professional organizations under one act utilizing the umbrella concept. Overview of the proposed act.
Streamlining professional governance laws | Alberta.ca
The proposed act.
Bill (assembly.ab.ca)
File Number #6: ( A PDF version of the proposed Professional Governance Act of Alberta)